So I "LIKED" the Donald Trump page on FaceBook. I know, I know ... just walk away. Let it go. Live and let live. Blah blah blah. Anyway ... I wanted to see what his "fans" had to say about him. Wow ... tough crowd. I just happened to find an article on one of many lawsuits he was involved in. So I posted it.
"In 2006, Trump irritated some local residents when he raised a flag on an 80-foot pole, a height almost twice that allowed by town ordinances. He refused to take it down, and the Palm Beach city council charged him $1,250 a day for every day that it remained aloft. Trump countersued for $25 million, and the matter dragged on for six months. It was finally settled when he agreed to lower the flag 10 feet, move it away from the ocean and donate $100,000 to Iraqi War Veterans’ charities."
Fine, fly your flag. Just do it with in the law. I guess it had been a slow Donald week because he filed a lawsuit. Well, by the responses I got you would have thought I burned the flag and then tried to put it out by spitting on it.
and my fav ... "Commie Scum"
So much for a debate. They didn't care that he was breaking the law. They didn't care that his neighbors considered it intrusive. No, they just thought he should be able to do what ever he wants as long as he's being "Patriotic" and has the money to back up his behavior. IF (huge IF) he decides to run and actually wins is this the way he will run the country?
"We are America and we have the big bucks to back up our bully behavior"
Talk about "Ugly Americans"
Now that I think about it ... isn't that the way it was 2001 - 2009 ?
Please ... not again !
As a young adult in the 80's I lived for music. I always had the radio on or a record playing (yes vinyl). Music was a very important part of my everyday life. I wanted to look like George Michael and dress as cool and confident as Boy George. Music in the 80's was ... happy (Girls Just Wanna Have Fun), hip (Rock Lobster) and freeing (I'm Coming Out). It made me feel good about myself. But it could also be dark (Ballad Of Lucy Jordan) and dramatic (How Can I Help You Say Good-bye).
The 80's was full of Divas too. Donna, Whitney, Tina, and of course Cher. We welcomed them into our bedrooms on a nightly basis. Singing about the boy that will never love us or the boy that loved another. They become our best friends, our sisters and confidants. They opened up their hearts to us and we loved them for it. We had our first and sometimes only female relationship with them. We loved and trusted them to keep all of our secrets.
Then we grew up and realized they were people just like us. They got older, had problems, divorces and opinions. And sometimes their opinions didn't match ours. And our world was shattered. How could they turn on us? How could they have lied to us all those years?
Years ago I learned one of my "Divas" did just that. Her whole public persona was a lie. She was not one of "our" biggest supporters. She did not believe that I was entitled to the same rights as her. My world crumbled. Dramatic? Yes, but I felt as if I had lost my best friend.
I stopped listening to her music, did not watch any show she was a guest on. I cut her from my life. Again, dramatic? Yes. Childish? Maybe. But I was hurt. Beyond repair. That's how strong my "relationship" was with her.
She had made me believe that I was special. To this day I think about her. I miss our time together. I miss our "talks". I miss her voice.
I miss my friend.
At times I get moments of complete clarity. Moments when all is right with the world. Problems are not problems but challenges.
Moments when my relationship is perfect, or at least I see a way to make it perfect, fix it. Moments when time with my family is all warm and fuzzy.
Moments when lyrics to songs make so much more sense.
Moments when being away from my partner brings tears to my eyes and an ache to my heart. Moments when my feelings are so close to the surface you can see them as the hairs on my arms rise.
Moments of complete happiness. Like a drug, so happy that once again I have tears in my eyes. A joy about life, almost a spooky feeling, and in the back of my head I have an unsettling fear.
That it will end.
And when I finally get back to reality I think to myself "I should have enjoyed that moment more"